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Màn hình Comap AMF 25

Màn hình Comap InteliLite AMF 25

Ứng dụng:

  1. Điều khiển giám sát máy phát điện
  2. Giám sát điện lưới
  3. Điều khiển đống cắt ATS


Xuất xứ: Czech

Nhãn hiệu: ComAp

Model: ILAMF25

  • Giá bán: Liên hệ 0903178744
  • Miễn phí cài đặt
  • Sửa chữa máy phát điện

Thông số cơ bản của InteliLite AMF 25

  • Power supply

Power supply range 8-36 V

DC Power supply drop-out immunity 100 ms (from min. 10 V)

Power consumption approx. 100 mA / 8 V; 40 mA / 36 V

Peak power consumption (LT) approx. 0,33 A / 8 V; 0,18 A / 36 V

Backup battery type CR 1225

Estimated backup battery lifetime 10 years

  • Operating conditions

Operating temperature -20 ˚C to +70 ˚C

Operating temperature (LT version) -40 ˚C to +70 ˚C

Operating humidity 95 % w/o condensation (IEC/EN 60068-2-30)

Protection degree (front panel) IP 65

Vibration 5-25 Hz, ±1.6 mm 25-100 Hz, a = 4 g

Shocks amax 500 m/s2

Storage temperature -30 ˚C to +80 ˚C

  • Voltage measurement

Measurement inputs 3 ph-n

Gen voltage Measurement type True RMS

Voltage range 480 V Ph-Ph (277 V Ph-N)

Max. measured voltage 340 V Ph-N

Voltage accuracy 2 % from nominal voltage

Frequency range 30-70 Hz, measured from L3

Frequency accuracy 0.05 Hz

  • Current measurement

Measurement inputs 3 ph generator current

Measurement type True RMS

Current range 5 A

Max. measured current 9 A

Max. allowed current 10 A continuous, 50 A/1 s

Current accuracy 2 % from nominal current

  • Binary inputs

Number 6 non-isolated

Input resistance 4.2 kΩ

Common pole Positive, V s = 8-36 V DC

Close/Open indication 0-0.8 V close contact 2 -36 V - V s open contact

  • Binary outputs

Number 6 non-isolated

Operating voltage 8-36 V DC

Switching to Negative supply terminal

Max current 0.5 A (2 A pergroup)

  • Analog inputs

Number 3, non-isolated

Electrical range 0-2500 Ω

Resolution 10 bits, 4 digits Precision 2 % from measured value

Supported sensor types Predefined:

VDO 10Bar, VDO Temperature, VDO Fuel level User-defined: 10 pointsnon-linear sensors can be defined by the user


CAN1 External modules, 250 kbps, max 20m

  • Magnetic pick-up

Voltage input range 2–70V pp

Frequency input range 4 Hz to 10 kHz (min 2 V pp @ 4 Hz, 6 V pp @ 10 kHz)

Frequency measurement tolerance 0.2 %

  • D+

Excitation current 250 mA, during the engine start only Charging fail threshold 80 % of Usupply


  • amf25
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